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PwC Benchmark Study
How does your Land headcount (at a drill-down level) truly compare to that of your peers? What specific activity drivers are influencing your relative headcount/resource performance?
To address these and other questions, PwC is launching a Land Benchmark for Canada onshore. You're invited to learn more about this study by registering for the kickoff webinar (see RSVP link below). PwC has conducted the industry-leading US Onshore Land study since 2013, and we are excited to extend this effort north.
Feel free to share this email with others at your company as appropriate. There is no cost to participate in the study and the confidentiality of all submitted data will be protected. By participating, you'll have access to customized results for a select peer set at no charge.
Register for kickoff: Click here to RSVP for the webinar. Please contact Steve Write at with any questions.
Kickoff webinar
When: May 27, 1:00-2:00 pm Mountain